Lorien Harmony Hall

Explore Assisted Living

Lorien Harmony Hall - Assisted Living with a continuum of care.

For Assisted Living combined with outstanding care, Harmony Hall offers tradition and innovation at the very same time. As one of the first Assisted Living communities ever created in Maryland, it is a long-respected leader in the field, with a proven track record of providing exceptional care for seniors. Harmony Hall combines the comfort, fun, friends and warmth of modern Assisted Living with 24/7 nursing coverage, on-site physical, occupational, and speech therapy services, and easy access to Skilled Nursing at Lorien Columbia, located immediately next store on our shared campus.


Harmony Hall Health Services

Lorien Harmony Hall

6336 Cedar Lane
Columbia, MD 21044
Debbie Gallagher
Debbie GallagherExecutive Director

Love for Lorien.





After much research our family decided to place Dad at Harmony Hall . We are beyond thrilled with our choice. From the moment he walked in the door he has received wonderful and attentive care. Dad has adjusted well to his new life and we are grateful that he is in a safe and happy environment.

— Chris T.

My good friend Norma lives here. Whenever I visit, I see all smiling friendly faces and helpful people, from the reception staff to the dining room to the health aides. Clean & welcoming, with a variety of activities offered for residents. Good job, Lorien!

— Denise H.

I started working at Harmony Hall a few years ago and it was a great decision. I love the team and the residents.

Working at Lorien Harmony Hall has been great. They have given me so many opportunities to learn and grow in my career.

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An innovative, caring approach to living and healing.

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Provide the most-progressive care, and be cared about in return.
