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TeleMedicine & TeleHealth Services

Helping Families Where They Are.

Advancements in technology have driven our TeleMedicine and TeleHealth offerings, yet many families aren't aware what these services are. In short, TeleHealth is a means of providing care remotely to a client, essentially using video and digital technology to bring professionals into their home. TeleMedicine is a practice where residents at Lorien can be treated by a remote physician or nurse practitioner in a specialized room, reducing the stress and disruption of a trip to the hospital.


For residents in select facilities with conditions that require more careful monitoring, we've partnered with Curavi Health to offer TeleMedicine services in Maryland. This allows a medical provider to remotely address the needs of residents by video in a secure examination room, bringing the emergency room to your service. You and your loved one can rest easy knowing he or she is always connected to care.

Curavi Health Technology

TeleHealth at Home

We believe in home care whenever possible, and we empower that belief with Lorien at Home, an innovative approach to TeleHealth service in Maryland. Through our network of new technologies and skilled nurses and care companions, we care for clients in the comfort of their own homes. Sometimes this means a visit from an RN or interacting with a care companion through Lorien Link, a remote communication system that can monitor blood pressure, weight, oxygen levels and more. Other times, it's through Lorien Select, our flexible hourly services system.

TeleMedicine & TeleHealth Services Photo Gallery

Telehealth nurse talking
Scanning hand
Telehealth nurse with stethoscope
Telehealth nurse on computer
Medications and tubes

Locations with TeleMedicine & TeleHealth Services

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